Fellow Conservative,

This isn’t just an ordinary election year. 


We are witnessing first-hand how Democrat policies are killing the American working class.


With skyrocketing prices at the pump, the supermarket and everywhere in between, hardworking Americans are being forced to choose between filling their tanks or putting food on the table. 


It’s unacceptable, and the time to step up and fight back is right now. 


My name is James Judge, and I’m the conservative Republican candidate for Congress in Florida’s 14th Congressional District. 

I’m running against Democrat Rep. Kathy Castor, who is part of the gang of radical leftists in Congress that want to destroy our way of life. 

Right now, she is co-sponsoring HR 7910, the devastating “Red Flag” legislation that will strip law-abiding Americans of their God-given Second Amendment rights. 

She is also a co-sponsor of HR 7814, which protects radical abortionists as they take human lives by the millions. 


The good news, Fellow Patriot, is that here in Florida, conservatives are taking over. 


We have a real chance to flip this seat from Blue to Red in November, and help take back the U.S. House so we can slow down the radical Biden administration. 


But I can’t do it without your help. 


Chip in $5, $10, $25 or $50 to my election campaign today and help elect a true conservative Republican to Congress.


I need to blast the campaign ad above district-wide so we can defeat Kathy Castor once and for all.

Your support today is crucial in that effort


A television ad in our market costs about $150. A radio ad costs about $50. 


Can I count on you to help me get the word out

Whether you can chip in $150 to sponsor a TV ad, chip in $50 to sponsor a radio ad, or chip in any amount to help me get the word out about my campaign and turn Congress Red, your support today matters!


Thank you for your generosity, and I am humbled to have your support. 


For America,


James Judge

Republican for Congress

Florida’s 14th Congressional District