Short Story

FreedomTalk is working to advance American values by small-batch roasting the finest Viva coffee to delight the senses and publishing FreedomTalk Magazine and our Discussion Island podcast to renew the mind.

You need coffee, America needs help. Your sponsoring subscription fuels our work.

FreedomBoxSM Coffee And FreedomTalkSM Magazine

by Kelly Walker

  • $150,000.00

    Funding Goal
  • $0.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
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Raised Percent :
Minimum amount is $ Maximum amount is $
Tucson, AZ, United States (US)

Kelly Walker

3 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

See full bio.

FreedomTalk is working to advance American values by small-batch roasting the finest Viva coffee to delight the senses and publishing FreedomTalk Magazine and our Discussion Island podcast to renew the mind.

You need coffee, America needs help. Your sponsoring subscription fuels our work to:

  • Advocate for your Natural Rights like health freedom, self-defense, and parental rights
  • Restore American history and a return to Judeo-Christian values
  • Secure our borders and fight human trafficking
  • Support veterans & constitutional law enforcement
  • Ending political persecution and censorship

Enjoy exceptional coffee and thought-provoking content as you help us lift America back to its greatness.


$30.00or more

Support our mission and enjoy a 12 oz. bag of delicious Viva Coffee, our latest issue of FreedomTalk Magazine.

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5000 rewards left


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