Short Story

Making sure our 8th graders have the opportunity to read the words of our amazing U.S. Constitution for themselves is our mission! Making a difference one classroom at a time. Your donations are needed to reach a new group of students each year!

Provide An 8th Grade Classroom With US Constitutions

by Joni Bryan

  • $3,000,000.00

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Nashville, TN, United States (US)

Joni Bryan

3 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

See full bio.

The time has come in America for us to stand up as citizens and ask, “What can we do for our country?” In order to protect the values we hold so dear, we must guarantee that generations to come will embrace and uphold the one thing that sets us apart from every other nation. That one thing is the U.S. Constitution.

The 917 Society is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization with a passion to encourage young people to know their rights given to them by the U.S. Constitution as citizens.

Our organization is made up of people who care about our country. Anyone can join The 917 Society and help us ensure our youth are educated and celebrate our Constitution. We provide a lasting, durable pocket Constitution for every 8th grader in America free of charge in honor of September 17th – Constitution Day. Click here (and page down) to see how many constitutions your donation provides.

We the people of The 917 Society realize how vital it is to help our young people understand their rights and find their voice in the freedom the Constitution has given all Americans. Since we don’t receive federal or state funds, we must rely on concerned citizens, like you, to contribute in order to offer this program to our teachers and students free of charge.

All across this great nation, 8th graders memorize the words and take a test, never fully understanding what the Constitution means to them and all of us living in the greatest nation on earth. Becoming a partner of the 917 Society will ensure that our beloved U.S. Constitution will become a guidebook for our youth to carry with them throughout their lives.

With a mission to impress upon students the relevance and practicality gained through an understanding of the U.S. Constitution. We offer a program to celebrate Constitution Day each September 17th FREE to our teachers and students through donations from citizens like you that care about the future of our great Country. We work all year to ensure our 8th grade students will look forward to receiving their Constitution as a “rite of passage” as they grow in citizenship in our beloved Nation and to never take it for granted.

Join the 917 Society and help place a copy of the U.S. Constitution in the hands of our next generation and spark a fire in them to know their rights, know their voice and know their constitution. You can get involved by donating to our mission or you or your organization can volunteer to deliver Constitutions to 8th grade classrooms in your area or both. We welcome all who love our country and our Constitution to get involved and join this movement!

Making sure our 8th graders have the opportunity to read the words of our amazing U.S. Constitution for themselves is our mission! Making a difference one classroom at a time. Your donations are needed to reach a new group of students each year!


$25.00or more

Investing $25 to sponsor the constitutional education program of an eighth-grade classroom.

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